This is the first chance that I have had to sit down and do a post since the amazing Blogger Meet Up Blog Hop. Thanks, again, to Holly Ehle from
Mrs. Ehle's Kindergarten Connections for coordinating the event and for working with Amanda Pauley from
Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten to coordinate the blog hop. Thanks and a huge welcome to all of my new followers, and congrats to Angie Henry for winning all of the wonderful prizes in the giveaway!
Yesterday, I was awarded the Liebstar Award by Marissa from
First Grade Stars. This award is given to up-and-coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers, and is a way to welcome us new bloggers into the blogging world. Since my blog is only a month old, I have yet to round up a ton of followers. I sure do appreciate all of you followers I do have though! Thanks, Marissa, for the award!
As a Liebster Award nominee, I must answer all of Marissa's questions and give 11 random facts about myself. I will end with five blog nominees of my own.
1. What grade do you teach? What grades have you taught? How long have you been teaching?
I am a first year Kindergarten teacher, and an overall first year teacher.
2. Which book do you read to your class every year without fail?
Well, since this is my first year of teaching, I am going to pick a book that I have read this year and will continue to read from this point on. I read My New Teacher and Me by Al Yankovic this year and loved the message behind the book. Now I know what you're thinking because I thought the same thing, Weird Al writes children's book? Yes, yes he does. And not just any children's books. They are actually really good! I highly recommend My New Teacher and Me because it is a lesson to students to be themselves and a lesson to the teacher to appreciate each students for who they are, and to maybe even believe their wild stories.
3. If you weren't a teacher, what would you be doing?
I honestly can't imagine doing anything other than teaching, but since I do need to answer this question, I would have to say something in the veterinary field or a photographer. I am such an animal lover, and could easily find happiness working with animals; not to mention it could kinda be comparable to teaching my kindergarteners on some days. ;) I also really enjoy taking pictures. I have purchased a nice Nikon D40; however, have yet to learn anything about how to get the most out of using it. One of these days maybe I will find the time to learn...
4. What is one thing you are just dying to buy for your classroom?
Pool noodles! At the Blogger Meet Up, someone brought pool noodles to swap as their teacher tool and used them in the classroom as base ten blocks! Something so simple, in yet, I had never heard it before. I can't wait to go out and buy these to use with my kiddos.
5. What's your non-teaching guilty pleasure?
I am not sure if it would be considered a "guilty" pleasure, but I love going to the gym. At the end of the school day, there is nothing quite like the stress relief I get from going and pumping some good ole iron, or doing those darn planks.
6. What is your favorite book that is not teaching related?
This is a hard question for me to answer because I have SO many favorites! Since I have too many to choose from, I will pick the book that I am currently reading (and loving!), Divergent.
7. What is one thing on your bucket list?
My bucket list grows every day; however, the number one thing on the list right now is to swim with dolphins.
8. What is your favorite restaurant?
My favorite restaurant right now is a local pizza and beer brewery in Columbus, IN called Zwanzigs. My favorite restaurant that can be found elsewhere is probably Qdoba.
9. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
I would have to pick Jennifer Aniston for this one. I just love her.
10. What's one thing you could eat every day?
Pizza. I could eat pizza every single day. I am going to miss it while I am in training until October for a fitness competition.
11. What inspired you to start blogging?
When I started the education program at my university, I started a blog that I intended on keeping up with about my journey to becoming a teacher called The "Law-ng Road to Teaching." I wanted it to be full of do's and don'ts that I learned in my practicum experiences as well as memorable moments. Needless to say, it didn't make it much farther than creating and saving the name for myself. When I was offered my teaching position, I started a blog called Miss Law's Kindercampers that went along with the camping classroom theme I have going on this year. The chaos of the beginning of the year completely took over my life, and the blog was left in the dust. While sitting at home on a week we had two snow days in a row, I decided I was going to find a hobby to help me get through the final weeks of my boyfriend training for his physique competition where he went to bed at 7 every night and I was left up with our puppy, bored out of my mind. I opened my computer, and voila! The design, and name makeover of my previously created blog, was born.
Alright, now on with the 11 random facts about myself:
1. My secret talent is jump roping. I grew up on a jump rope team for six years where I jumped at the competitive level. This stuff is no joke people.
2. I am training for a fitness competition in October.
3. I am OBSESSED with my golden retriever puppy son, Max. I can't help it. He is just so darn cute!
4. I want to have five kids in my future, but I will settle with no less than two.
5. I hanged myself when I was one with the mini blinds cord. (There is a real reason there is a WARNING tag attached, Mom!)
6. I traveled to Europe when I was sixteen with my French teacher. I visited France, Monaco, and Italy.
7. Fall is my favorite season.
8. I am a huge Disney fanatic.
9. I love anything pumpkin scented, but don't ask me to eat anything pumpkin related.
10. I would love to take a cooking class. I really enjoy cooking when I have the time and I don't have to worry about how healthy it is.
11. I love music. My taste in music is all over the place, but that is just because I appreciate good music, regardless of what genre.
I hope all of you have enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better. Now it is time for my nominees to do the same. Here are the rules:
1. Link back to my blog as the one who nominated you.
2. Nominate five blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions I posted.
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Contact your nominees to let them know they have been chosen.

Check out these blogs! Enjoy!