
Monday Meet Up

I am linking up with The Teaching Tribune for Monday Meet Up. Today I am introducing you to a fellow kindergarten teacher at my school, and friend, Brittany Banister.

A few more things you might like to know about Brittany are:
-she has two children: Porter and Claire (pictured with Brittany above)
-she enjoys spending time with her husband and two kiddos
-she is a University of Southern Indiana graduate
-she manages two blogs. One alone, and one with a good friend, Tiffany Copple. For great ideas on tech integration, check out their blog 2 Techie Teachers.
-she will be presenting at Digipalooza 2014 in Scottsburg, IN this summer. Click here to get more information on the conference. (Sidenote: I will also be presenting, as well as our good friend Jena Hudson from Sew Much Music. You do NOT want to miss out on this conference.)
-Brittany has a ton of resourceful items available on her TPT store. Be sure to check them out here.

Be sure to check out Brittany's Blog, Mrs. Banister's Kindergarten Kids, for some great ideas for your classroom. 


  1. Thanks so much for linking up and introducing your friend Brittany! She sounds amazing! I am so glad I found both your blogs!

    1. Thanks, Mel! She has certainly been a great mentor to me my first year of teaching. Thanks for the comment! :) I just found your blog, and I am now your newest follower!

  2. Great post Lindsey!! I didn't know you and Brittany worked together ... lucky!!! :)
    -Elyse @ A is for Apples

    1. Thanks, Elyse. I am certainly lucky to work with such great people, Brittany being one of them. I am glad you commented, and I am now following your blog, and I am loving it! :)

