
August Currently

It is Currently time again! I am linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for August Currently.

Currently I am...

Listening: to my classroom air conditioner. I am soaking up the last bit of peace and quiet in my room that I will get for awhile.

Loving: my new and improved classroom!! I worked so hard over the summer to create the perfect atmosphere for not only myself to teach in, but also for my students to learn in. 

Thinking: about lesson plans for next week (the first week of school). I unfortunately will be out of the room for a few days next week, so I have to make sure that I have foolproof lesson plans prior to being out.

Wanting: to go shopping for back to school clothes. Back to school clothes shopping was my favorite day back when I was little. Now that I am a teacher, I have an excuse to go clothes shopping all over again! (But lets be honest, I could find almost any excuse to go clothes shopping in all reality.)

Needing: CAFFEINE! I gave up soda a few days ago, and I am drrrrrraaaaaggggging! Back to school time was the worst time to decide to give up soda and caffeine. *Sigh*

1st Day You and Kids: Technically today, August 4th, is my first day back because our school district puts on a half day, week long program for incoming Kindergarteners called Jumpstart. This allows the students to become familiar with the school, us teachers, and the rules before the actual first day of school. Throwing out the technicalities, August 11th is our first teacher day, and August 12th is the first day for students. 

I still can't believe that the summer is over with, but I am more than ready to get back in a routine and to meet my new group of Kinders!

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmm I will be solving your "wanting." Friday shopping....HERE. We. Come!

