
November Currently

I am so sad to see October leave, but that just means we are all one month closer to December, and that means closer to CHRISTMAS! I am linking with Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for this month's currently. So, here it goes...

Listening: When working on anything, I always have music on. I have recently latched on to SafetySuit and have obsessively been listening to them on repeat on Spotify. 

Loving: My fiance, Alex, and I just got our engagement pictures in the mail this week and we are still just oozing over them. We are so impressed with our photographer, and we are even more excited for her to shoot our wedding now. 
Here is one of our favorite images from our engagement session. 
Photography by Christine Cherry Photography

Thinking: I have been sitting on the couch waiting for my medicine to kick in and working on some products for my TPT store, and now blogging, but I really need to get up and get dinner going before it gets any later. I haven't had much of an appetite with not feeling well, but some tortilla soup sounds amazing! Thankfully it is a simple meal that doesn't require too much prep or watch.

Wanting: I am battling a serious chest cold, complete with nasal congestion and chest/back pain. This has been going on for a week now, and I'm really just wanting nothing more than to be able to breathe so I can get a good night's rest. Is that too much to ask?! 

Needing: I had given up soda for three weeks when Oktoberfest rolled around in my town, and that was about the end of that. I decided to have a cheat weekend and it became a cheat week to a cheat rest of the month. I need to give it up again, but it is just so incredibly hard! I also need to get back into the gym. As soon as I get over this chest cold, it is on.

Reading: My mom and I had a girls' day and went and saw Best of Me based on the book by Nicholas Sparks, and I was a complete and utter emotional wreck during and after the movie. So many emotions that I wasn't, but should've, been prepared for knowing it was based from Nicholas Sparks, but still... Even though I don't typically see the movies before reading the books, and typically don't go back and read the book after seeing the movie, I do know that the books are almost always better, so I'm interested in reading more in depth into this emotional story. Seriously, go read it.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful November, full of yummy food and great times with family.