
Plant Life Cycles Unit-{Day #1}

We began one of my absolute FAVORITE units of the entire year this week: plant life cycles!

We started our unit by charting our schema. 
{I found this adorable anchor chart idea from Cara Carroll over at The First Grade Parade.}

After discussing what we already knew about plants, we read the story, Bright Yellow Flower by Judith Hoffman Corwin. We then went back to our chart and added misconceptions and our new learning.

We followed that by reading the adorable story, What Does a Seed Need?, by Liz Goulet Dubois. I was a tad worried that it might be too easy of a story to use as a read aloud for my Kinders; however, they LOVED the pop ups, pull tabs, and spinning wheels on each page so much that it kept them entirely engaged. 

After reading what a seed needs to grow and thrive, we charted the four things that seeds/plants need. (We also discussed that seeds and plants need space.)

Thanks to Teri over at A Cupcake for the Teacher, we were able to make these precious flowers that included the four things that flowers need. 

We then watched a BrainPop Jr. video, "Parts of a Plant." 

We followed up by returning to our previous chart where we labeled what plants need, and we labeled the parts of plants.

We closed our discussion for the day by watching the absolutely adorable video of Sid the Seed.

On the agenda for tomorrow: planting seeds. :)

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