1. Get some wedding stuff completed.
So, if you haven't noticed, I have been off my blogging game these past recent weeks and that is all because... I got ENGAGED! Considering I had no indication that an engagement was even coming, you can imagine the craziness that has incurred since. I didn't have any ideas in my mind for a wedding, and I am now in full swing of planning for our wedding July 11, 2015. I realize I have quite some time to plan and get everything together, but considering I stay pretty busy during the school year, I want to get as much of my DIY projects for the wedding completed THIS summer so that I don't have to worry about it when school is in session. I. AM. EXCITED!
2. Creating more for my TPT store.
I have been thoroughly enjoying creating resources for my TPT store to share with other educators from all over. Most recently, I have been creating digital papers. I am SO excited about all of my packs that I have created, and I have so many ideas written down to work on this summer. I have received so much love for my digital papers, and I love that it allows others to create their own TPT store items with a little bit of flare added to it using my papers. I love helping others out, and I LOVE the idea of others using something I have spent time creating. When I saw the first item on TPT with MY digital papers I literally squealed. It's the little things, people!
3. More time at home with my Max and Alex.
I do not have human children, but my seven month Golden Retriever, Max, is about as close as it can get right now. I brought him home back in December, and pretty much all he has known is that mom and dad are only home at night, and they're too tired to play much. I intend to take many walks outside around our neighborhood as well as trips out to my parents' house in the country for some unleashed fun. As far as Alex goes, during this past school year we basically get the weekends together, even though we live together, quite simply because his work schedule is as crazy as mine. With only one of us working during the summer, I will be able to be home when he comes home for lunch and will be able to be home with him in the mornings that he doesn't go in until later. I am really looking forward to more time with my two favorite boys!

Most of my friends that I still keep in contact are all from my college years. This means that they are at least an hour away from me. Finding time during the school year to get together with them is really difficult, and most certainly can be improved. This past school year was the worst for time with my friends, and this summer, I really want to get together with as many of them as possible, especially my girls that will be my bridesmaids!
5. Preparing for my debut as a presenter.
Our school district puts on a conference as part of the Indiana Department of Education's Summer of eLearning tour called Digipalooza. This year I will presenting for my first time over blogging. I am extremely excited for this opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and to share with others something that I thoroughly enjoy doing, when I have time.
6. Getting in shape.
I was doing so well before, and right after, spring break with getting my rear in the gym and eating healthier meals. As the school year wore on, and the extended days began to become taxing on my energy levels, the first thing to go was the gym. With the gym, so did my motivation for eating healthier. To make matters worse, I decided not to train for a fitness competition in October because of our wedding, so my motivation has been null and void. With that being said, this summer will be the summer of sweating for me.
7. Reading for pleasure.
Every summer I dive deep into a book and read purely just for the enjoyment of it. I tried doing this while out of school for 5,837 snow days this past winter, but was also trying to potty train a puppy among many other things and didn't make it past chapter two. I plan to finish AT LEAST one book. Here are two that I am really wanting to read and finish.
8. R&R.
This school year has certainly been one for the books. The snow days and extended hour days really was just the icing on top of the cake to an already insanely busy (but seriously wonderful) year. This summer, I hope to rest and relax as much as possible so that I am refreshed before beginning my second year of teaching. I love what I do more than words can say, but everyone needs some time away from it, and by away from it I mainly mean away from the classroom. Lord knows that I will probably work tirelessly from home all summer on new ideas and creations because well, I just really like teaching!
9. Learn something new.
I begin every summer with the intentions of learning something new over the summer. This year is no different. I REALLY want to learn how to quilt with the intentions of making a t-shirt quilt with all of my t-shirts I have accumulated over the years that I just can't seem to part with.
10. Cook!
I love to cook, but I don't feel like I have much to time to leisurely cook during the week because of work. This summer I am looking forward to being able to wake up and cook a breakfast, a lunch, and a dinner! (This will help with #6.)
Now, head on over to Deanna Jump's blog (Mrs. Jump's Class) to read what she plans to do this summer and check out what other bloggers have planned.
congrats on your engagement! I knew my husband and I would eventually get engaged, but the day he asked, I was completely thrown off! ;) (and yes, even though it's a year away...it goes so fast so you have it right to get things done this summer)
ReplyDeleteI've read divergent and am almost done with the second one. very good books!..new follower!