
June Currently

I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for June's Currently. Wait... did I just say June?!  

As you can see, this month's currently isn't the typical monthly themed currently to go along with the summer fun that June has to offer. That is because Farley is raising money for Wimberley, Texas. This town is very dear to heart for many reasons and has been hit hard by the horrible weather that has been going through Texas lately. Along with people and houses being washed away from flooding, pets are becoming homeless. There, thankfully, is a shelter in Wimberley called the Wimberley Adoption Group and Rescue, also known as WAG, where the pets can stay until their owners come and claim them. Since there are so many pets going to WAG due to the devastation of the flooding, Farley felt it was a good time to collect donations for WAG, and I completely support that. Being an animal lover, and a golden retriever mom, this completely touched my heart and I didn't think twice to click the donate button. If you are interested in reading more about how you can help, head over to Farley's blog by clicking the blog button above or by clicking here to see how you can donate, too.

Okay, now onto my June Currently.

Listening: I am currently listening to the various songs I have on my End of the Year DVD that I am working on for my sweet Kinders. If you follow my Facebook page, you have probably noticed that I post tons of pictures of my class doing anything from arts and crafts to working in literacy centers. I take pictures, and document in a sense, the big things that occur in kindergarten, such as field trips, while also focusing on the things that we do every day as part of being a kindergartener, such as literacy centers. I do this so that at the end of the year when I create a movie for them, it captures every essence of their time in my class as possible. This year my video is THIRTY. MINUTES. LONG. Think I might have overdid it a bit? Oh well... It'll be well worth it to have all of those moments in one place for them, and their families, to look back on down the road. While DVDs are burning, I am also cutting out the DVD covers and telling myself that I will not cry this year at graduation. Better yet, I better just not volunteer to speak at the end. I was good until then last year.

{These are my DVD covers this year.}

Loving: This one was hard because it is a bittersweet kinda thing. I am loving that there are only six more days until summer break, only five with students, but it also makes me sad because I am going to HATE to give this group of kiddos up. Like seriously, going into slight depression mode over it. Kindergarten, probably more than any other grade, you can really tell just how far you took your kids. How so? Well, let's be honest. I had kids coming in who had never even held a pencil before the first day of school and several who had no idea what kind of contraption a pair of scissors were. Now, they are reading and writing sentences! It's remarkable! I love teaching kindergarten for this very reason of growing a student so much in your time with them, and it is SO rewarding; however, it is hard to believe that I will be letting these sweet, remarkable kiddos go on to first grade while I get a whole new set of kiddos who are back at square one. Can you say hello, ain't-no-tired-like-the-beginning-of-the-year-kindergarten-tired?

Thinking: I have an aide that I am so grateful to have in my classroom every morning for about an hour, and sometimes at other times if other classes don't need her during their time. I am trying to come up with a gift for her before the end of the year, but haven't been able to find the perfect one yet on Pinterest. If you have any ideas, shoot them my way. :) 

Wanting: Popcorn. My favorite snack is popcorn, and it is so hard for me to sit down to watch any of my favorite shows without having some. I am out, and The Bachelorette is preparing to come on. This is a crisis if I have ever seen one!

Needing: I was really tempted to put popcorn here, too. lol. I may have a serious problem. No, but seriously, I am needing a good massage. I am a teensy bit high strung. Okay, maybe a lot, and it tends to make me tense up when I get stressed or anxious over things. I'm forty days out from my wedding, and there are six days left of school. To say I'm stressed and anxious may be putting things lightly. When I go to bed at night my back and shoulders ache, and a good massage would do me good. I'm thinking we may have to schedule that for our honeymoon when this is all over and done with. 

Summer Lovin': Like I said before, only forty days out from my wedding, so that means that the majority of my summer break will be devoted to all things wedding. I have my dress alteration next week, my trial hair run in two weeks, my bachelorette party in three weeks, and the list goes on and on for what I have got going on. I'm looking forward to every single bit of it, but I sure do wish the summer was longer so that I could have more time to get some R&R after the wedding before jumping back into school. Oh well, it'll all be worth it. :)

I hope everyone has a great June!


  1. Hi Lindsey!

    Love your post. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I spent last summer doing wedding prep and was so thankful to have the time to fully devote to it. I think it made a huge difference on the big day! I'm sure people are throwing (mostly unwanted) advice at you from every direction but we did get one piece that I'm so glad I hung onto: on the big day try and stop (even if just for a few times) and take everything in: the sights, smells, people, EVERYTHING. I'm so glad for the few moments I made sure to be incredibly mindful of because the rest is truly a blur. Happy planning!


  2. wonderful intro and explanation about WAG… you are awesome…
    and THANKS SO MUCH for your donation!!!

  3. I am so excited for you! Enjoy every minutes of your planning and the big day. I know people have probably told you this, but it goes so fast you have to soak in every minute. At the reception grab your Hubby, step back and take it all in! Haha, just like Nicole state earlier. I can't wait to see pictures, you are going to be a gorgeous bride! Also, in the end do not worry about the small stuff, it all works on perfectly in the end! Enjoy! :)

  4. Congrats on the wedding!! Remember not to stress and enjoy every minute of your wedding. You will blink and it will be over. The other people will not know if some minor detail is done. Have a great summer break! I am your newest follower through the blog hop!
    KinderKids Fun

