
Tell All Tuesday: Summer Snapshot

I am linking up with Diana from My Day in K and Jayme from Teach. Talk. Inspire for Tell All Tuesday, a summer weekly linky party. 

This week's Tell All Tuesday is Summer Snapshot, which is a favorite summer trip, place, or a memory.

My Summer Snapshot is a picture taken of my fiancĂ©, Alex, and me in the Bahamas last August right before we went snorkeling. This was my first time ever going snorkeling, and I was beyond excited. 

Pictures cannot do it justice. The water was seriously SO clear, and the fish and coral were breathtakingly beautiful. 

Now, head over to My Day in K or Teach. Talk. Inspire to check out other Summer Snapshots.


  1. Great picture! Love your blog, it's adorable!
    The Owl Teach

  2. Great memories! Thanks for sharing!
    All the best,

  3. Looks absolutely beautiful! Would love to go to the Bahamas some day!

  4. ah! Oh my goodness this is so breathtaking! Going to the Bahamas is on my bucket list! :)

    Magically in First

  5. I dream of a place with water like that!! Definitely on my bucket list!!!

  6. I love snorkeling (even though I am terrified of sharks!). Looks like a great trip!
    Kindergarten Planet

  7. Looks like you had a blast! And, you are right! The water there is unbelievably clear! Thanks for sharing your snapshots!
    Ashley and Brooklynn

  8. Lindsey, your new blog design is adorable! Great job, you are talented! We vacationed to the Bahamas a few years ago and it was one of my favorite places. It is just a beautiful place! I was not as adventurous as you though, I love the ocean, but do not like to swim in it. I'm always afraid something will be lurking nearby, I know, I'm a big scaredy cat! Thanks for taking the time to link up with us! :)

  9. Looks like a fantastic adventure. I would love to go to the Bahamas, totally on my bucket list! I have heard the water is just gorgeous! We did snorkeling and scuba diving in Hawaii and it was a blast. Have a great summer!

    Luv My Kinders

